pp005 科研论文阅读笔记

Edited by Ben. Get the knowledge flowing and circulating! :)



  1. 有些概念就不要记录了~ 因为你不会第二次再看,而且文章中只是浅浅提了一下!

  2. 记录20%,不要记录太多,记录关键的20%

  3. 抓住关键信息

  4. 重要的是要多思考,多检索,有效学习,汲取不会的知识,而不是在会的知识上一直徘徊。

  5. 发现一个有趣的现象

    • 每篇文章都有自己的主要参考文献和次要参考文献。

      • 主要参考文献是重要技能来源;

      • 次要参考文献是知识普及来源!



Today‘s paper1

keywords: Activity Simulation, Spatiotemporal dynamics, GAIL



  1. 文章的文字有点难读~ 用了比较多的生僻词吧(或许是我的水平还不太够!)

  2. 如果有做COVID-19相关的研究,这篇文章里很多词汇还是可以值得参考的!

  3. 下次一定要,先通读一下abstract、introduction、conclusion之后再决定要不要继续读这篇文章! 今天这篇文章总提不起劲!




个人轨迹数据不好收集!本文提出来一个框架来生成人工活动轨迹。这个轨迹能够保真 & 实用。(用到的技术点:based on generative adversarial imitation learning.)

为了处理内在的不规则活动采样点的随机和稀疏性,本文捕捉了藏在轨迹背后的spatio-temporal dynamics.(用到的技术点:by leveraging neural differential equations.)



We incorporate the dynamics of continuous flow between consecutive activities and instantaneous updates at observed activity points in temporal evolution and spatial transformation.


v-ed: 表示过去式!

observed: adj. 观察到的



  1. to simulate activity trajectories by capturing underlying spatiotemporal dynamics

  2. incorporating the dynamics of continuous flow and instantaneous updates in time and space,



  1. 什么是underlying spatiotemporal dynamics?

    • 这里的dynamics指的是什么?

  2. continuous flow是什么?

  3. instantaneous updates是什么?



On the one hand, the complex spatiotemporal associations underlying daily activities can give rise to recessive infection that is difficult to deal with.

On the other hand, compared with general mobility trajectories, the semantic information, i.e., activity type, is provided in the activity trajectory, which is more useful for tracing close contacts and precision epidemiology [25, 35].




也有许多工作研究了the problem of mobility prediction/simulation, 但是这些工作主要聚焦在regularities and variations of spatio movements而没有考虑具体的活动类型,恰恰这种信息对于建模pandemic spread是非常重要的。

RNN-based || Markov-based方法缺点

由于不规则采样活动的内在随机性和稀疏性,以及更大的间隔带来的更高的不确定性,现存的方法(例如基于RNN的方法、基于Markov的方法)无法基于discrete-time 或者 非时变(不随时间改变)的假设进行充分建模。




In this paper,we present a framework based on Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) [15] to generate artificial activity trajectories.

To tackle the challenge that irregular-sampled activities are inherently random and sparse, we model the dynamic evolution in continuous time and space by leveraging neural differential equations [4].


To effectively capture complex transition patterns with spatiotemporal dependency, we propose to model continuous-time spatiotemporal dynamics underlying the observed activities 翻译:为了有效地捕捉具有时空依赖性的复杂过渡模式,我们建议对观测活动背后的连续时空动态进行建模。

By characterizing trajectories as point processes, we design the policy function with a neural spatiotemporal point process model, where the evolution of spatiotemporal dynamics is captured by the hidden states. 翻译:通过将轨迹描述为点过程,我们设计了一个神经时空点过程模型的策略函数,其中时空动态的演变被隐藏状态捕获。

Specifically, we jointly incorporate the dynamics of continuous flow between consecutive activities and instantaneous updates at observed activity points in temporal evolution and spatial transformation. 翻译:具体而言,我们将连续活动之间的连续流动动态与观测活动点在时间演化和空间转换中的瞬时更新动态结合起来。

To tackle the challenge that irregular-sampled activities are inherently random and sparse, we model the dynamic evolution in continuous time and space by leveraging neural differential equations [4]. Finally, based on the learned dynamics, the activity with time and location is generated sequentially. 翻译:为了解决不规则采样活动本身具有随机性和稀疏性的挑战,我们利用神经微分方程[4]对连续时间和空间中的动态演化进行建模。最后,基于学习到的动力学,依次生成具有时间和位置的活动。



though researchers [45] have proved that the overall distribution of spatial movements is fat-tailed that can be described by limited parameters 空间移动的整体分布具有长尾效应,可以用有限的参数进行描述。

STPP [6] models a sequence of stochastic events occurred in continuous space and time.





我觉得,以我现在的英文水平,虽然不是非常厉害的那种,但是可以基本上通读下Abstract和Introduction,所以,下次还是通读完再考虑要不要读这篇论文吧~ 这次选的论文,感觉读起来总是提不起劲啊!






  • 论文中好的想法的理解和感受;

  • 论文中的工作引发我的思考;

  • 以及其他可以吸收的有价值 | 有意义的内容。

1 Yuan Y, Ding J, Wang H, et al. Activity trajectory generation via modeling spatiotemporal dynamics[C]. Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2022: 4752-4762.